College is an exciting adventure: a time for new friends, new experiences, and new discoveries.
For every step of your journey as a UChicago student, the College’s team of dedicated professionals works together to support you. Resources range from academics to athletics, career planning to cultural immersion, research to recreation, study abroad to study breaks and more.
Scroll down to learn more about student support around campus and explore UChicago more broadly to find many other opportunities across our academic departments and offices.
Plan Your Classes and Major
Every student in the College is assigned to an academic adviser, a full-time professional in the College Academic Advising and Transfer Office who helps undergraduates pursue their academic interests and plan a program of study leading to a degree. Beyond academics, advisers also provide guidance on pursuits outside of the classroom and help students align their academic choices with emerging career goals. | Interim Director: Christopher Kincaid
Complementing the breadth of UChicago’s Core Curriculum are 60+ majors and 60+ minors, as well as dozens of areas of specialized study and pre-professional preparation, all part of the UChicago undergraduate experience. Major and Minor program directors are available to assist students in decisions related to coursework. To learn more and locate specific program directors, please visit here.
The Summer Session Quarter, which includes Summer Session and September Term, provides opportunities for students to enroll in Core, major, and other classes that fulfill degree requirements, allowing students to advance in their studies. Courses are offered remotely and in-person, and are scheduled in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings to give students variety and flexibility. Financial Aid is available for eligible students. | Executive Director: Maria Lettiere
The Office of the University Registrar helps students by providing services that assist them in their time on campus and in their transition after their academic program is complete. Student services are offered through the my.UChicago portal, which is the student one-stop shop for biographic and demographic updates (including preferred name, pronouns of reference, and name pronunciation), degree planning and degree audits, schedule of classes and registration, course feedback, grades, transcripts, and enrollment certifications. | Associate Vice President: Scott Campbell
Get Academic Support
College faculty and teaching assistants hold regular office hours to assist students with course questions, assignments, and projects. Office hour schedules vary: you can use the College Catalog to find your major’s website and faculty contact information. Deans, directors, and department chairs can be found here.
Located on the 4th floor of Harper Memorial Library, the Center for College Student Success (CCSS) empowers First-Generation and/or Lower-Income (FLI) students in the College, providing resources and tools that promote student success, and programming and community events that build positive self-identity and a sense of belonging. | Assistant Dean and Director: Talaya LeGette
The College Core Tutor Program is a peer-based tutoring program for College students, designed to provide one-on-one assistance and small group support in scientific and quantitative subjects. Core Tutors are upper-level students in the College with exceptional academic records or graduate students – many of them former Teaching Assistants in the Core science course.
Student Disability Services (SDS) works in collaboration with University of Chicago faculty and staff to provide resources, support, and accommodations to ensure that all aspects of student life are accessible and inclusive of persons with disabilities. SDS supports students by discussing access needs, confidentially receiving and storing documentation to support student’s eligibility for disability services and accommodations, collaborating with faculty and staff regarding essential accommodations, and promoting disability equity and inclusion on campus. | Director: Charnessa Warren
The University of Chicago Library is a central hub for student life and academics. The Library offers a variety of study spaces, including reservable group study rooms, quiet reading rooms and a collaborative space on Regenstein Library’s A Level. Students have access to a large collection of digital and print materials for classes, academic research or personal interest. Students can schedule in-depth, one-on-one consultations with Library experts for guidance on research assignments or projects. Librarians are also available to answer questions online via the Ask a Librarian service. | Director of Teaching and Academic Engagement: Rebecca Starkey
Apply Your Academics in the Real World
Career Advancement empowers UChicago undergraduates to find fulfilling careers through professional experiences, advising with industry experts, and a global employer network—all starting from day 1 of their college journey. | Executive Director: Meredith Daw
The College Center for Research and Fellowships (CCRF) promotes academic excellence by empowering undergraduates to pursue two transformative educational experiences: undergraduate research and nationally competitive fellowships. CCRF promotes meaningful connections between faculty and students, encourages faculty mentorship, provides high-impact, developmental advising, and educates the UChicago community about these opportunities for all undergraduates and recent alumni. | Director: Nichole Fazio
The Jeff Metcalf Internship Program is the premier internship program at the University of Chicago. A national model for university internship programs for more than a quarter-century, the Metcalf Program provides paid, substantive internships for students in the College. Students receive more than 4,500 Metcalf internships each year across a highly diverse range of industries and geographic locations. | Director, External Relations: Ruthie Robinson
Explore UChicago’s 140+ institutes and centers.
Explore Culture and Identity
The Center for Identity + Inclusion – home to the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, LGBTQ Student Life, and Student Support Services – is located at 5710 S. Woodlawn Ave. These three areas work individually and collectively to enhance the experiences of students of color, LGBTQ students, and FLI students (first-generation, lower-income, and immigrant/undocumented students). Programs and resources are offered at both the undergraduate and graduate/professional levels to advance the University’s commitment to building a more inclusive campus and stronger sense of community. Sign up for their newsletter for the most up-to-date information | Director: Ravi Randhava
The Office of International Affairs (OIA) provides advising services and supportive programming to the international community at the University of Chicago. Dedicated OIA advisers are available by email or phone, via virtual drop-in sessions and by appointment to support student and family needs. Advisers can be found via the OIA Staff Directory.
UChicago Study Abroad encourages students to expand their education through diverse intellectual perspectives, active participation in a new culture, and critical, first-hand engagement with local and global challenges. Through faculty-led, direct enrollment, and summer grant programs, Chicago students gain cultural fluency and hone language skills while studying a civilization at its center or focusing on a particular theme. Participants remain registered in the College, receive academic credit, and retain financial aid eligibility, making Study Abroad a fully integrated component of UChicago undergraduate education. | Director: Elana Kranz
Chicago Studies makes it easier for students and instructors in the College to study, teach, and learn about our amazing city. As part of the Office of Research and Teaching Innovations in the College Dean’s Office, Chicago Studies offers excursions into the city and other Chicago-related programming; sponsors Chicago-engaged classes; provides advising and direct support to students doing Chicago-focused scholarship; and consult with faculty and other course instructors who want to engage the diverse communities of Chicagoland in their teaching and research. | Executive Director: Chris Skrable
Make New Friends
Housing & Residence Life helps develop and support inclusive communities that engage residents in exceptional living experiences within secure and well-maintained environments that foster a sense of belonging and support the academic initiatives of the University. This sense of community is encouraged and maintained by dedicated resident staff, including Resident Heads (RHs), who make themselves available to students for guidance and support; Resident Assistants (RAs) who have been active in campus life and are eager to support students and suggest advisers, courses and faculty, campus resources, and extracurricular opportunities; and Resident Dean’s (RDs), who act as intellectual stewards for their cluster of houses, working in tandem with RHs and RAs to provide residents with an experience outside of the classroom that is both complementary and valuable to their continued intellectual and personal growth as young scholars. Learn more about UChicago’s vibrant House community and attentive staff here. | Executive Director: David Hibbler, Jr.
The University of Chicago is home to over 350 Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs). RSOs are a vital part of the campus community at the University of Chicago and host a number of campus traditions throughout the year. Each student organization works with an advisor from the Center for Leadership and Involvement to help achieve their goals and provide quality co-curricular experiences for their members. | Director: Jimmy Brown
The UChicago Mentoring Program (UCMP) strives to foster community on campus through peer mentorship. UCMP provides incoming first-year and transfer students with upper-level mentors to aid in their transition to College. | Senior Director, College Programming and Orientation: Preston Reilly
Get Involved in the Community
The Center for Leadership and Involvement is a multi-faceted office that encourages student involvement at the University of Chicago and provides a portfolio of valuable and diverse learning opportunities to enhance the university’s unique culture. The Center supports the College community by advising the 400 Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), providing financial support and advice for the RSOs, and facilitating leadership development opportunities for all students. | Director: Jimmy Brown
UChicago’s Office of Civic Engagement offers several programs, including the Neighborhood Schools Program (NSP) and the University Community Service Center (UCSC), that help students learn from and make a meaningful impact in Chicago’s diverse communities. Through NSP, students provide direct education and enrichment to pre-K to 12th-grade students in their local schools and communities, working as paid employees or volunteers in a variety of roles across these settings, including as classroom assistants and tutors. Through UCSC, students are connected to a broad spectrum of civic engagement opportunities with commitment levels tailored to a range of interests. Along with providing short- and long-term volunteer opportunities, UCSC supports students by offering student civic and social impact education, civic advising on student-led projects and initiatives, connections to civic-focused jobs and internships, and Chicago-centered experiential learning. | Director of Neighborhood School Partnerships: Brandi Snodgrass | Director of Student Civic Engagement & The University Community Service Center: Nick Currie
As part of the University of Chicago’s commitment to safe and reliable transportation, the UGo Shuttle Program is a free shuttle service for all students. Daytime Shuttles and NightRide Shuttles are available to safely transport students on and around the greater campus area. The shuttles run year-round, except on University-observed holidays. | Director of Transportation & Parking Services: Beth Tindel
Promote Physical, Mental and Spiritual Health
UChicago students have access to an impressive array of sports and fitness facilities, programs, and services through Athletics & Recreation. Whether you take a fitness class through FitChicago, play on an intramural team with your housemates, represent the University as a varsity athlete, or cheer on your classmates as they compete, Athletics & Recreation facilitates wellness and fosters school spirit among all Maroons. | Director of Athletics & Recreation: Angie Torain, Senior Associate Director of Athletics for Recreation and Fitness: Brian Bock (
Spiritual Life serves as a destination of students to explore all things spiritual and religious on campus. Spiritual Life offers places, metaphorical and literal, to connect, understand, ask and explore. The office encourages integrative spiritual practice, offering programs that cross traditional religious boundaries, as well as supports members of particular traditions. Spiritual Life offers campus-wide programs like Spirit Week to celebrate spiritual diversity on campus, in addition to hosting weekly Jumu’ah prayers, meditation, and yoga classes. | Director: Jigna Shah
UChicago Student Wellness provides students with comprehensive health, counseling, and wellness services to support their academic, personal, and professional success. UChicago Student Wellness believes that wellness is essential for academic success. | Assistant Vice President: Meeta Kumar
Find Holistic Support
The Office of the Dean of Students is comprised of College Academic Advising and Transfer Office, College Programming and Orientation, Center for College Student Success, Office of College Community Standards, College Academic and Support Services, and the Care and Support Team. The office is here for students. We offer individualized services that support students, their academic success and holistic development. As students navigate the wide variety of offices and programs across the University, the Dean of Students office provides guidance and support to ensure that they leave the University as a resilient problem solvers, engaged citizens and capable scholars. | Dean of Students: Philip Venticinque | Deputy Dean of Students and Chief of Staff: Koryna Bucholz
UChicago’s Dean-On-Call Program ensures that a University administrator is available 24/7, responsible for providing students, family, friends, and community members referrals, information, and support. When called upon, the Dean-on-Call will assist in providing emotional support, getting medical care or mental health resources, reporting a crime to the police, performing well-being checks, identifying community resources for adjusting to living arrangements, helping to manage academic obligations, confidentially reporting concerns, and identifying community resources for legal assistance. The 24/7 service can be reached by calling UCPD at 773.702.8181 and asking for the Dean-on-Call, or through the UChicago Safe app.
Associate Dean of Students in the University for Student Affairs; Director, UChicago HELP: Belinda Cortez Vazquez
UChicago HELP is a collaborative program, that includes some resources that are available 24/7, to support and care for students. Programs help navigate academic and personal difficulties, while also ensuring that University community members (such as faculty, staff and students) can connect students needing help with assistance in a timely manner. UChicago HELP is comprised of the Dean-on-Call program, the Sexual Assault Dean-on-Call program, the Bias Education and Support Team (BEST), Student Case Management and High-Profile Events. | Associate Dean of Students in the University for Student Affairs; Director, UChicago HELP: Belinda Cortez Vazquez
The Office of the Bursar is available to assist students and families successfully manage their student account. They assist with tuition and fees information, billing and payment options, and provide online account services. | Senior Director: Barbara Ebert-Balzano
UChicago’s Ombud Office consists of neutral representatives that offer informal and confidential assistance to students in resolving University related concerns, whether it involves another student, a staff member, an administrator, or faculty member. The Ombuds is independent of administrative structures, allowing for impartial and objective consideration of all sides of an issue and best judgment to identify options and strategies for resolutions. While not an advocate or lawyer, the Ombuds can advise students of their rights and responsibilities within the University while providing a safe space to explore concerns that arise. | Student Staff Representative: Min Lee
UChicago welcomes the brightest minds and boldest thinkers, regardless of their financial background. To ensure that cost does not prevent a student from joining the community, Financial Aid counselors are available year-round to work with students and families in order to create a comprehensive, need-based financial aid package. | College Aid Director: James Heller
UChicago offers a holistic approach to Veterans Services, ranging from admissions support to dedicated career counseling and programming, academic advising, social and family-inclusive programming, comprehensive financial aid, accommodating housing, and student support services. UChicago is proudly recognized nationally as a top school for veterans and our Veteran Scholars include representation from all five branches of the U.S. Military. UChicago hosts Air Force and Army ROTC programs and opportunities for students with interests in public service and careers in leadership as officers. | Director of Veterans Admissions: Sherry Vernon