Summer Session

Summer Session Student Employment

Summer Session at the University of Chicago will welcome over 1000 academically talented high school and undergraduate students from around the world to participate in intensive study within UChicago's unique scholarly environment. For Summer 2024, we will offer a mix of residential and remote courses.  Students will be supported by a team of Residential Assistants living on campus 

Course Assistant applications for 2025 are now being accepted. See the Instructional Employment page for full details. 


Student Job Descriptions

For specific questions about Summer Session student positions, contact Residential Director Jim Wessel at

    Teaching Assistants (TAs) provide academic support for specific courses within our offerings and may be open to undergraduate or graduate students. Information about available positions will be available on the Summer Session Instructional Employment page, along with: 

    • A section titled "How to Apply-Course Assistants" with details on applying
    • A section titled "Courses with Staffing Needs" that lists all courses currently hiring, listed by program

    Summer Session Residential Assistants (RAs) serve as role models, advisors, program planners and support staff for Summer Session students living in residence halls on campus, including college-aged and pre-college participants. RAs live in College Houses alongside students and dine with them in the residential dining commons. This is an ideal role for candidates interested in strengthening their teamwork, mentoring and leadership skills.