Group discussion on the Quad


Summer Session

Bringing together a community of idea-driven students from around the world, Summer Session at the University of Chicago is a great way to incorporate education into your summer plans.

For more information, please visit our new Summer Session website for undergraduate students. 

Quick Links

Summer Undergraduate Program

Summer Session by the Numbers

  • 42

    Countries Represented

  • 96

    Undergraduate Courses

  • 2000

    Enrolled Students

Information for Students

An instructor in a museum speaks to a group of students, pointing upward to something out of frame.

Summer Session Employment

In addition to over 1,000 current undergraduate and graduate students, Summer Session at the University of Chicago will welcome nearly 1,000 academically talented high school students from around the world to participate in virtual intensive study within UChicago's unique scholarly environment. The Summer Session Office in the College hires faculty, senior lecturers, lecturers, and graduate students to teach summer quarter undergraduate courses in a variety of subjects, as well as specially designed courses for pre-college (academically advanced high school students ready to study at the undergraduate level) and visiting undergraduate students.

Summer High School Programs