Academic Stories

Learning beyond the traditional format

Summer Session offers unique opportunities to continue the learning experience

With the arrival of summer comes sunshine, flip flops and unlimited outdoor activities. At the same time students are enjoying the season, those who want to continue learning have an unbelievable option to add to their summer experience here on campus.

From studying ancient languages to archaeological digs and everything in between, Summer Session at UChicago brings together students from across the world to learn together beyond the traditional academic year.

“Summer provides a wonderful opportunity to slow down and focus on academics in a different way, perhaps alongside an internship or research opportunity,” said Christine Parker, executive director of Summer Quarter. “There are always students who need to take classes in the summer to catch up, get ahead or change paths, so we are committed to providing access to summer offerings that fill those needs.”

Summer Session offers a  number of dynamic opportunities to current undergraduates in the College, including:

  • Summer Business Scholars Program: Offered in conjunction with Chicago Booth, this three-week experiential program helps students master business fundamentals and prepare for future internships and careers while earning course credit.
  • Summer Language Institute: From Ancient Greek to Chinese to Latin, summer language students have the opportunity to add a new language to their portfolios and make faster progress toward their academic, research and career goals.
  • Summer Institute in Social Research Methods: This five-week session combines classroom instruction, workshops and hands-on research experience and offers accelerated training in theoretically-grounded research methodologies.

For students looking to complete Core or major requirements, Summer Quarter Courses carry the same credit as a full, quarter-long course, in just three or five weeks. Over 75 undergraduate and graduate courses are available to students for Summer 2019. Explore a few of them below:

ECON 23950: Economic Policy Analysis, Kanit Kuevibulvanich

Kanit Kuevibulvanich will teach Economic Policy Analysis, which is focused on the applications of microeconomics and macroeconomics, with a flavor of econometrics.

“With the smaller class size, we have closer interactions and attentions between students and instructor,” Kuevibulvanich said of his summer course. “This also offers even more personal feedback and hands-on applications than regular session in a more relaxed sit-down-and-discuss environment, compared to a lecture hall.”

ENST 24756: Exploring the Resilient City, Raymond Lodato

Raymond Lodato’s public policy course Exploring the Resilient City focuses on the efforts of major cities around the world to create greater resiliency in their city's operations in the face of ongoing stresses and acute shocks. He says the structure of focusing on one class during the summer, rather than three or four, allows for a singular attentiveness that is beneficial to the learning environment.

“[This course] will challenge what you think you know about what a city is and how it works and how it can work in the future in light of persistent challenges,” said Lodato.

TAPS 10100: Drama: Embodiment and Transformation, Pamela Pascoe

Drama: Embodiment and Transformation, taught by Pamela Pascoe, provides an opportunity to fulfill the Arts Core in an intensive, collaborative manner. The class teaches one to view a text as a means of realizing a performance, rather than as an object of literary analysis.

“To students considering this course I would say, you will surprise yourself with what you can discover and accomplish if you are willing to throw yourself into the work of theater with passion,” said Pascoe.

ARTV 10100: Visual Language: On Images, Laura Letinsky

Another option for the Arts Core includes Visual Language: On Images, taught by Prof. Laura Letinsky. Assignments are designed to stage encounters with various aspects of perception with a particular focus on the visual, but also considering how we as bodies experience the world and communicate this experience through visual means.

“Because students can work at a more steady and concentrated pace, I expect that like a snowball, students will more fluidly gain knowledge and have the ability to work through their ideas,” said Letinsky. “Be prepared to dive in, get messy and enjoy experimenting.”

Registration for Summer Quarter courses ends June 1. Visit to register.