College Archived Updates

Autumn 2020 Process for Registration Changes

Dear Student,

You may view your Autumn 2020 class schedule by logging in to your my.uchicago.eduportal.  Should you need to make a change to your schedule, you will have the following opportunities to do so: 

September 14th through September 25th you can make an appointment with your College Adviser.  During this appointment, your adviser may only adjust your Autumn schedule for the following reasons: 

1. You have changed your planned course of study since you selected preferences for pre-registration (i.e. you no longer want to be pre-med, or you want pre-med/CHEM) 

2. You are not registered for at least 3 classes (300 units) 

3. You have received a change of placement from a specific department (bio/chem/math/language).  The department should have already submitted the change of placement information before your appointment with your adviser. 

4. You want to add a 4th class. 

5. You no longer plan to come to campus and need to change your classes to all remote instruction. 


September 29th  through October 2nd  you will be able to add/swap/and drop classes on your own via   

1. Classes must have an open seat available.  If the class is full, you will need to request instructor consent. 

2. You must have met the pre-requisite requirements for the class. 

3. The class cannot have a time conflict with any of your other course registrations. 

4. Your Autumn quarter course enrollment cannot drop below 300 units (3 classes) or go above 400 units (4 classes). 


5. Students are strongly encouraged to not make any changes to their Humanities class.  If a change cannot be avoided, you will need instructor consent to drop Hum and to add another Hum.  You should use the PDF Consent form to make changes to your Humanities class.  Humanities class changes cannot be made using    

Your Academic Adviser will talk in more detail about add/swap/drop processes during your Group Academic Advising meeting on Saturday, September 26th.  

October 2nd through October 16th you will be able to drop a class through and add a class with instructor consent

1. Your Autumn quarter course enrollment cannot drop below 300 units (3 classes) or go above 400 units (4 classes). 

2. Please consult your College Adviser before adding or dropping a class after the first week of the quarter.   


Kathleen A. Forde

Director of the College Academic Advising Office

Senior Associate Dean of Students