Tyler Edwards

Tyler Edwards is a veteran of the United States Navy, in which he served from 2014 to 2018. During his time in the College, he explored his interests in finance and pre-law. After graduating with a degree in economics, he will work at the Bank of America as an investment banking analyst.

What drew you to UChicago after your military service?

I was drawn to UChicago by its exceptional reputation and it being in Chicago, a city with ample opportunities for personal and professional growth. My support system encouraged me to embrace a rigorous education, and looking back on my journey at UChicago, I’m happy they did.

How have your past experiences influenced your academic and career interests?

I've always enjoyed being connected to the world around me; studying business economics, along with entering the finance industry fulfills that desire.

What RSOs or other programs at UChicago were you a part of?

I was a member of the Rogers Scholars Program in Finance and Careers in Law Rising Attorney's Program. I was also an executive board member for the Undergraduate Investment Banking Group.

What is your fondest college memory?

Working at the circulation desk at the Reg. It was exciting to learn something new daily from professors and students picking up their books.

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