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Student Services

Book and Supply Charge Program

The Book and Supply Charge Program allows students to purchase educational books and supplies from our campus bookstores and to charge those items directly to their student account at the University. This allows students the opportunity to pay for books and supplies, along with other tuition and fees, by the standard University billing polices and dates.

Book and Supply Charge amounts will be charged to the Student Account and must be paid in full, along with all other tuition and fees, by the standard University Billing Due Dates. These charges can be subsequently paid by this quarter’s financial aid disbursements or with personal funds. Students who are eligible for a financial aid refund may be able to have these charges deducted automatically from the refund. Students who are not eligible for a refund will be responsible for paying these charges on their student bill due later in the quarter.

Students may only purchase their own books and supplies for the current quarter during the authorized purchase period. Any violation of this policy is considered a violation of the student conduct policy and is subject to disciplinary review.

Students are permitted to purchase course books from any vendor, whether in person or online. While books may have a lower price elsewhere, the Book and Supply Charge program is only valid for purchases from our on-campus vendors—The Seminary Coop Bookstore and Barnes & Noble.

Bookstore Location Website
Barnes & Noble 970 E. 58th Street
Seminary Co-op 5751 S. Woodlawn Ave.


Dates & Process

Frequently Asked Questions

Please check the FAQs below or email the Dean of Students Office at