Larry Norman focuses on the literature of French and European seventeenth- and eighteenth-centuries, and theater across the ages. His interests include theater history, book history, intellectual and cultural history, literary criticism and theory, and the relation between the visual arts and literature. He is the author of The Shock of the Ancient: Literature and History in Early Modern France and The Public Mirror: Molière and the Social Commerce of Depiction. Books that he has edited or co-edited include: Theatrical Baroque; The Book in the Age of Theater: 1550-1750; co-editor (with Philippe Desan and Richard Strier), Du Spectateur au lecteur: Imprimer la scène au XVIe et XVIIe siècle; co-editor (with Glenn Most and Sophie Rabau), Révolutions homériques, and co-editor (with Anne Leonard), Classicisms.