- Mind, Brain and Meaning
- Audience, Algorithms, and Ingenuity: Unexpected Encounters in Media Arts and Live Performance
- BIG: Monumental Buildings and Sculptures in the Past and Present
- Philosophy and Literature in India
- Queering the American Family Drama
- Major Trends in Islamic Mysticism, Yousef Casewit
- Hearing Popular Music, Jennifer Iverson
- The Novel Prize in Literature, Françoise Meltzer
- Ghosts and the Fantastic in Literature and Film, Judith Zeitlin
- The Age of Innovation: Mesopotamian Writing through Objects, Susanne Paulus
- Mesopotamian Law, Martha Roth
- Italian Renaissance: Petrarch, Machiavelli, and the Wars of Popes and Kings, Ada Palmer
- The Amazon: Literature, Culture, Environment, Victoria Saramago
- Bioethics, Laurie Zoloth
- Religion, Science, Naturalism: Is There a Problem?, Daniel Arnold
- South Asian Sensoriums, Tyler Williams
- Black in Colonial America: Three Women, SJ Zhang
- Sonic Cultures of Japan, Michael Bourdaghs
- Richer and Poorer: Income Inequality, Elaine Hadley
- The History of Iraq in the 20th Century, Orit Bashkin
- The Language of Deception and Humor, Jason Riggle
- Europe's Intellectual Transformations, Renaissance through Enlightenment, Ida Palmer
- Opera Across Media, Martha Feldman and Anne Monique Pace
- Metaphysics, Morbidity & Modernity: Mann's The Magic Mountain, David Wellbery
- Languages of the Ancient World: Diversity and Survival, Sofía Torallas-Tovar
- The Future, Bill Brown
- American Deaf Community: Language, Culture, and Society, Diane Brentari
- Nabokov: Lolita, Malynne Sternstein
- Critical Videogame Studies, Patrick Jagoda
- Jewish Graphic Narrative: Between Memory and Caricature, Na'ama Rokem
- Music and Mind, Lawrence Zbikowski
- Major Trends in Islamic Mysticism, Yousef Casewit
- Japanese Animation: The Making of a Global Media, Thomas Lamarre
- Ethics in the Digital Age, Daniel Moerner
- Self-Creation as a Literary and Philosophical Problem, Agnes Callard
- Topics in EALC: Ghosts and the Fantastic in Literature and Film, Judith Zeitlin
- Italian Renaissance: Petrarch, Machiavelli, and the Wars of Popes and Kings, Ada Palmer
- Myth and Its Critics, Clifford Ando
- Inventing Consciousness: Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Timothy Harrison
- Eurovision, Philip Bohlman
- Before Zodiac: Astronomy and Mathematics as Ancient Culture, John Wee
- Opera Across Media, Catrin Dowd and Martha Feldman
- Bioethics, Laurie Zoloth
- South Asian Sensoriums, Tyler Williams
- Deconstruction: Derrida and de Man, Haun Saussy
- Augustus: Republic to Empire, Michele Lowrie
- BIG: Monumental Buildings and Sculptures in the Past and Present, James Osborne
- Did Climate Doom the Ancients?, Hervé Reculeau
- The Language of Deception and Humor, Jason Riggle
- Making and Meaning in the American Musical, Thomas Christensen
- Mesopotamian Law, Martha Roth
- Nietzsche: Culture, Critique, Self-Transcendence, David Wellbery
- Religious Autobiographies, Richard Rosengarten
- Theater about Theater, John Muse
- Witnessing Medieval Evil: Literature, Art, and the Politics of Observation, Benjamin Saltzman
- The Amazon: Literature, Culture, Environment, Victoria Saramago
- Critical Videogame Studies, Patrick Jagoda
- Queering the American Family Drama, Leslie Danzig
- Arab America, Ghenwa Hayek
- Before the Zodiac: Astronomy and Mathematics as Ancient Culture, John Wee
- Bioethics, Laurie Zoloth
- From Dostoevsky To Samurai To Spaghetti Western: Adaptation And Akira Kurosawa, Olga Solovieva
- Inventing Consciousness: Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Tim Harrison
- The Italian Renaissance: Petrarch, Machiavelli, and the Wars of Popes and Kings, Ada Palmer
- Media Wars, Jennifer Wild
- Nabokov: Lolita, Malynne Sternstein
- Opera Across Media, Martha Feldman
- Religion, Science and Naturalism: Is There a Problem? Dan Arnold
- South Asian Sensoriums, Tyler Williams
- Topics in EALC: Ghosts and the Fantastic in Literature and Film, Judith Zeitlin
- Truth, Chris Kennedy
- The Age of Innovation - Famous Firsts 5,000 Years Ago, Susanne Paulus
- American Deaf Community: Language, Culture, and Society, Diane Brentari
- The Declaration of Independence, Eric Slauter
- Japanese Animation: The Making of a Global Media, Thomas Lamarre
- Mesopotamian Law, Martha Roth
- My Body, My Self: Asceticism and Subjectivity, Sarah Pierce-Taylor & Erin Walsh
- Philosophy and Literature in India, Anand Venkatkrishnan
- Some Versions of Apocalypse, Mark Miller
- Black in Colonial America: Three Women
- Ethics in the Digital Age
- Europe's Intellectual Transformations, Renaissance through Enlightenment
- Everyday Maoism: Revolution, Daily Life, and Material Culture in Socialist China
- History of Iraq in the 20th Century
- The Language of Deception and Humor
- Media & Power in the Age of Putin & Trump
- The World's a Stage: Performance in Politics, Culture, and Everyday Life
- The Amazon: Culture, History, Environment, Victoria Saramago
- The American Classics, Eric Slauter
- BIG: Monumental Buildings and Sculptures in the Past and Present, James Osborne
- Bioethics, Laurie Zoloth
- Civil War Literature, Michèle Lowrie
- The Eurovision Song Contest, Philip Bohlman
- The Jewish Graphic Novel, Na'ama Rokem
- Listening to Movies, Berthold Hoeckner
- Richer and Poorer: Income Inequality, Elaine Hadley
- Roman Law, Clifford Ando
- Versailles: Art, Power, Resistance and the Sun King's Palace, Larry Norman
- Vienna Around 1900 and the Making of the 20th Century, Ingrid Christian
- Witnessing Medieval Evil: Literature, Art and the Politics of Observation, Ben Saltzman
- American Deaf Community: Language, Culture, and Society, Diane Brentari
- Literature and the Financial Crisis of 2008, Ken Warren
- Ancient Drama, Modern Theory, Sarah Nooter
- Code Making, Code Breaking, Chris Kennedy
- Critical Videogame Studies, Patrick Jagoda
- The Language of Deception and Humor, Jason Riggle
- Major Trends in Islamic Mysticism, Yousef Casewit
- Markets Before Capitalism, Alain Bresson
- Music and Mind, Larry Zbikowski
- Opera Across Media, Martha Feldman
- Religious Autobiography, Richard Rosengarten
- The Rise of the Global New Right, Leah Feldman
- Witnessing War, Rachel Galvin
- The Age of Innovation: Famous Firsts 5,000 Years Ago, Susanne Paulus
- Before the Zodiac: Astronomy and Mathematics as Ancient Culture, John Wee
- Eurovision Song Contest, Phillip Bohlman
- History of the Present, Kathleen Belew
- Inventing Consciousness: Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Timothy Harrison
- Italian Renaissance: Dante, Machiavelli, and the Wars of Popes and Kings, Ada Palmer
- Listening to Movies, Berthold Hoeckner
- Memory and Identity in French Literature: Proust to the Present, Alison James
- Myth and Its Critics, Clifford Ando
- Reforming Religious Media: Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformation, Christopher Wild
- Self-Creation as a Philosophical and Literary Problem, Agnes Callard
- Thinking with Race in Medieval England, Julie Orlemanski
- The Underground: Alienation, Mobilization, Resistance, Robert Bird
- Versailles: Art, Power, Resistance and the Sun King's Palace, Larry Norman
- American Deaf Community: Language, Culture, and Society, Diane Brentari
- The Declaration of Independence, Eric Slauter
- Europe's Intellectual Transformations, Renaissance Through Enlightenment, Ada Palmer
- The Language of Deception and Humor, Jason Riggle
- Making and Meaning in the American Musical, Thomas Christensen
- Media and Power in the Age of Putin and Trump, William Nickell
- Mesopotamian Law, Martha Roth
- The Rise of the Global New Right, Leah Feldman
- Some Versions of Apocalypse, Mark Miller
- Censorship, Information Control, and Revolutions in Information Technology from the Printing Press to Internet, Adrian Johns and Ada Palmer
- Climate Change in Literature, Art, and Film, Benjamin Morgan
- Critical Videogame Studies, Patrick Jagoda
- Everyday Maoism: Work, Daily Life, and Material Culture in Socialist China, Jacob Eyferth
- Ghosts & the Fantastic in Literature and Film, Judith Zeitlin
- Truth, Chris Kennedy
- Arab America, Ghenwa Hayek
- Grimm's Fairy Tales and the Construction of Childhood, Christopher Wild
- Introduction to the Middle East, Fred Donner
- Listening to Movies, Berthold Hoeckner
- Making and Meaning in the American Musical, Thomas Christensen
- Nabokov: Lolita, Malynne Sternstein
- Roman Law, Clifford Ando
- Theater About Theater, John Muse
- American Deaf Community: Language, Culture, and Society, Diane Brentari
- The Discovery of Egypt in the Age of European Enlightenment and its Aftermath, Nadine Moeller
- The History of Iraq in the 20th Century, Orit Bashkin
- History of Skepticism, Ada Palmer
- The Language of Deception and Humor, Jason Riggle
- Media and Power in the Age of Putin and Trump, William Nickell
- Mesopotamian Law, Martha T. Roth
- Nietzsche: Culture, Critique, Self-Transcendence, David E. Wellbery
- Psychoanalytic Thought: Freud and Lacan, Françoise Meltzer
- Richer & Poorer: Income Inequality, Elaine Hadley
- The Underground: Alienation, Mobilization, Resistance, Robert Bird
- Censorship from the Inquisition to the Present, Stuart McManus and Ada Palmer
- Code Making/Code Breaking, Chris Kennedy
- The First Great Transformation: The Economies of the Ancient World, Alain Bresson
- The Nuclear Age, Deborah Nelson
- Big: Monumental Buildings and Sculptures in the Past and Present, James F. Osborne
- Ghosts and the Fantastic in Literature and Film, Judith Zeitlin
- Introduction to the Middle East, Fred M. Donner
- Japanese History Through Film and Other Texts, James Ketelaar
- Making and Meaning in the American Musical, Thomas Christensen
- Richer & Poorer: Income Inequality, Elaine Hadley
- Science and Aesthetics, Robert J. Richards
- Self-Creation as a Literary and Philosophical Problem, Agnes Callard
- Truth, Chris Kennedy
Humanities Signature Course Archive
View the archive of past Humanities Signature Courses below.