Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science (BS): The BS is designed for students who wish to delve more deeply into the field of their major through additional electives, participation in scientific research, and completion of a BS thesis that summarizes their research. Successful BS students will (1) learn how scientists design and conduct scientific experiments; (2) collect data as part of a research effort; (3) evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of that data; (4) interpret the data in the context of a specific scientific discipline; and (5) describe their work in a BS Thesis
Students can earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Biological Sciences in any of the tracks by:
(1) completing three upper-level elective courses in Biological Sciences beyond those required for the BA degree, including BIOS 28900 Undergraduate Bachelor of Science Research (or both quarters of BIOS 00296 Undergraduate Honors Research if also pursuing Biology Research Honors)
(2) writing a BS thesis under the supervision of an adviser who is a member of the Biological Sciences Division research faculty.
Guidelines and Timeline for the BS in Biological Sciences
If you are participating in the BSCD honors program or a specialization that requires a thesis, you do not need to prepare a separate proposal (or thesis) for the BS degree, but you should submit copies of these materials to the BS program. Honors and specialization students are required to submit the BS Faculty Consent form in Spring of the 3rd year as directed below. You should adhere to the honors or specialization guidelines as you prepare your proposal, select faculty readers, and write your thesis. BS students who are writing a specialization thesis but are not in the BSCD Honors program are required to register for the BS research course (BIOS 28900) as directed below.
Spring of 2nd year
Declare your major as BA or BS in Biological Sciences. Remember that, in addition to the thesis, a BS requires three upper-level BIOS courses (numbered BIOS 21xxxx through 28xxx) beyond the five required for the BA degree. One of these courses must be BIOS 28900 unless you are taking BIOS 00296 for Research Honors.
Autumn of 3rd year
Start looking for a member of the BSD research faculty to serve as your thesis adviser and start developing ideas for your thesis research.
Description of the BS thesis
BS students will write a thesis based on original research. The topic must be a current issue in Biology, including basic science, medicine, and other applied fields, be described in a compelling thesis proposal, and be supported by a willing and appropriate Mentor. In most cases the thesis will present and analyze primary data collected by the student during their time in a mentor's lab. Students may also conduct critical and novel analysis of existing primary data (e.g., a critique of a healthcare policy such as methadone maintenance, a meta-analysis of recent clinical trials of antidepressants, or an argument against punctuated equilibria based on a fossil collection or genomic data). In either case, the work must be hypothesis driven and present evidence that tests the hypothesis. Topics related to global and public health will be accepted only for majors in the global and public health track. Please contact Chris Andrews if you have questions about the appropriateness of your topic. The thesis should follow the format of a published paper in a target journal appropriate for your topic but should include more extensive literature review and context in the introduction and conclusion. A typical BS thesis is approximately 30 pages of double-spaced text (not including figures, tables and references).
Spring of 3rd year
To declare your interest in pursuing the BS in Biological Sciences, please submit the BS Faculty Consent Form by 11:59 PM on Friday of finals week. If you have not already done so, please make sure you have officially declared your major as a BS in Biological Sciences so your college adviser can correctly slot courses into your degree program.
All BS students who will not be registered for BIOS 00296 (Undergraduate Honors Research) must register to take the BS research course (BIOS 28900 Undergraduate BS Research) in Autumn of their 4th year. We will add BIOS 00296 students to the BIOS 28900 Canvas site as unregistered students so they will receive announcements and can submit their materials for the BS degree. BS students who are writing a specialization thesis but are not in the BSCD Honors program are required to register for BIOS 28900.
Summer between 3rd and 4th year
BS students will typically conduct the bulk of their thesis research during this summer.
Autumn of 4th year
Unless you are in the BSCD Honors program and registered for BIOS 00296, make sure you are registered for the BS research course (BIOS 28900, Undergraduate BS Research) and have access to the associated Canvas site. BS students who are writing a specialization thesis but are not in the BSCD Honors program are required to register for the BS research course.
Winter of 4th year (by end of quarter)
During finals week, submit the names and e-mail addresses of two faculty readers from BSD research departments (other than your thesis adviser) to review your thesis in the spring. You will submit these names as an assignment on the BIOS 28900 Canvas site.
Spring of 4th year
By 11:59 PM on Friday of Week 4
Submit your thesis to your thesis adviser, who must approve it before you send it to readers for review. You do not need to submit this version of the thesis to the BSCD. This checkpoint allows your adviser to confirm that your thesis is in acceptable shape to send to readers.
By 11:59 PM on Friday of Week 5
Submit your thesis, approved by your thesis adviser, to your two faculty readers, along with the faculty review form (make a copy of the review form to share with readers here). You should request that these readers return their reviews to you by Wednesday of Week 7 so you have time to respond to their feedback by the final deadline at the end of Week 8.
Between Weeks 7 and 8
In collaboration with your thesis adviser, revise your thesis in accordance with the feedback from your faculty reviewers. Both your thesis adviser and your two readers must sign off on the revisions before your final submission.
By 11:59 PM on Friday of Week 8
Submit the final version of the approved thesis, with confirmation of approval by your thesis adviser and two additional readers. You may collect signatures on a cover page (here's the TEMPLATE) or ask your adviser and readers to provide confirmation of approval by email to: