College Archived Updates

Winter Quarter Arrival Updates

A message from Sophia Chaknis, Executive Director, Housing & Residence Life

Dear Students, Parents, and Families,

As the Autumn quarter draws to a close, I am reaching out with Housing & Residence Life updates and to share information about Winter Quarter and Winter Quarter arrival.

First, I am thrilled to congratulate you on our successful quarter at the University of Chicago. This has been an unusual quarter, to say the least, but our students’ efforts to be highly involved in classes, residential communities, and in getting to know one another across campus have, I hope, been personally and academically rewarding. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for Winter Quarter!

The residence halls open at 8 a.m. on Friday, January 8.  Students will not be permitted entry prior to 8 a.m. on Friday, so please plan accordingly.  Students are not required to be in-residence on January 8, but may return as best suits family/personal needs. Classes begin on January 11, and will be remote until January 19. 

Students who are coming to campus for the first time for this academic year will receive instructions on selecting a move day/time and registering move-in helpers.

All students in residence halls are expected to follow these procedures for returning to campus:

  • In the seven days before you return to campus, avoid any unnecessary contacts and follow a “stay at home” routine as much as possible, to reduce the risk of bringing infections back to campus. Students who are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 should not return to campus until they feel well or have completed their quarantine. Information about the University exposure protocol is available on the UChicago Forward website.
  • Upon arrival to campus, all students, whether they are first time on-campus residents or returning residents, regardless of where they are traveling from, will be subject to a SEVEN-day stay at home order starting on the day they arrive. Students subject to this requirement will be permitted to leave the residence halls for essential needs, such as groceries and food, medical care and supplies, and outdoor exercise.  Students will also be subject to all other conditions of the UChicago Health Pact and Housing & Residence Life policies upon check-in.
  • All on-campus students will resume mandatory testing on their designated testing day, which will be the same day as the fall quarter, in their residence hall.  As always, students who exhibit symptoms prior to/or after the testing day should reach out to Student Wellness at 773.834.WELL follow-up and testing advice.

For additional information about move-in, please contact Housing & Residence Life at In the meantime, I wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season and new year.


Sophia R. Chaknis

Executive Director, Housing & Residence Life

Assistant Dean of the College