Dear Members of the University Community,
As directed by the Governor of Illinois, the University of Chicago will cease dine-in service for all on-campus dining halls and cafes at the end of their business hours on Monday, March 16, through March 30 – due to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Following is general information about the University’s continued provision of food service and UChicago Dining meal plans.
- Final Dine-In Service: On Monday, March 16, the dinner meal will be the final sit-down service provided in all on-campus residential dining commons and retail operations.
- Before Spring Break: From March 17 to March 22, all residential dining halls and retail operations will remain open and continue to provide meal service as scheduled, but without seating. Food will be provided in take-and-go packaging.
- During Spring Break, Hutchinson Commons, Pret-A-Manger, and the Starbucks in Saieh Hall will provide retail food service without seating. Food will be provided in take-and-go packaging.
- During Spring Quarter, undergraduate students who have petitioned to stay on campus in the Max Palevsky Residential Commons will be able to use the Baker Dining Commons dining hall. We will communicate dining operating hours and protocols based on further public health guidance.
While a necessary action to maintain the health and safety of community members, we understand this change may cause disappointment. Please know that the University is committed to resuming normal service as soon as doing so is permitted by the State.
For a full list of retail locations and menu options, please visit
Richard J. Mason
Assistant Vice President for Campus Life and Associate Dean in the College
The University of Chicago